4 Top trends in full-stack development for 2023
We have been halfway through 2019 witnessing the increasing demand for experienced full-stack developers and it is forecasted to be higher in the coming years as per Gartner’s prediction. 2019 is expected to cross a $3.8 trillion of total IT spending globally with a 3.2% increase from the previous years. With Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and JavaScript Language deeply influencing modern software development, the demand for Full-stack developers will continue to increase in the coming years for comprehensive software development.
2020 has a lot more surprises for the IT industry in its kitty. There is an expected growth of 8.3% in enterprise software development. By 2020, over 22% growth is expected in cloud software products powered by the SaaS model of business.
With these interesting stats, you should know the top trends in full-stack development for the coming years. This article is specifically for readers who are looking for trends that would hit the market by 2020 in web development.
This article covers:
- What is full-stack web development?
- The Top Trends in Full-Stack Development
- Pace-up with the modern trends with the following tips
Let us take a speaking look at the points in brief.
What is full-stack web development?
Photo credit: Geeksforgeeks
Full-stack development refers to both client-side and server-side development of a web application where the developer is equipped with the knowledge of both front-end and back-end technologies, reducing the cost of the project. With the marketplace getting regularly updated with new technologies in software development, hiring a software developer for every technology is difficult and costly. Comprehensive web development within a manageable cost was the ultimate requirement of the businesses. Therefore, full-stack web developers are hired to serve this purpose. They are armed with the knowledge of frontend, backend, database, and debugging of web applications or websites and thus, holds the capacity to develop both client and server-side software.
Top Trends in Full-stack Development
The trends in software development keep changing from time to time with emerging business models and technologies. Let us take a look at the emerging trends for 2020.
JavaScript Technology
Photo credit: Medium
The maturity of the concept of full-stack development is powered by JavaScript Technology. With the capabilities of JavaScript technology, the marketplace has witnessed emerging JavaScript platforms for both the front-end and back-end development. In spite of being isolated domains for each other, JavaScript’s immense power has made the developers capable of working on both the ends.
Full-stack development is trending due to the efficiency and features of Node.js, Angular, React, Express.js and other popular frameworks and libraries. Putting it into simple words, 2019 and beyond is all about how JavaScript technologies and frameworks have influenced Full-stack development.
Blockchain Technology
Photo credit: Business times
The biggest challenge of the web development industry is the security of websites, web applications, and mobile applications. The blockchain technology is a blessing to the developers which addresses the security concerns for web development.
Leveraging the power of blockchain technology for online purchases, financial transactions, digital certificates, and other fields in software development, blockchain technology has already made its presence in the domains like healthcare, finance, banking, and some government sectors. With its extensive usage in cryptocurrency networks, this powerful and secure technology has been unstoppable since its inception in the IT world.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Photo credit: Lasserouhiainen
When we say revolutionizing customer experience, Artificial Intelligence hits our mind in the first place. It has become an integral part of the Enterprise-level mobile and web development. From chatbots answering queries of customers through text and voices to changing the face of customer experience, AI has revamped the eCommerce, sales, and SaaS Service domains drastically. The prediction for the chatbot in the coming years is said to handle over 85% of the Customer Support interactions by minimizing the cost by half.
Progressive Web Applications (PWA)
Photo credit: Quora
If you think to accord your customers with an efficient, feather-light, engaging, interactive, and mobile-friendly web page development, then Progressive Web Applications is you should think about. Few advantages of opting for PWA :
- Capable of running offline.
- Better engagement.
- Works seamlessly resembling Native mobile and web apps.
- Low development cost.
- Boosted searchability and accessibility with the PWA approach.
- Larger profits with higher conversion rates.
Indeed one of the top trends in 2020!
Pace-up with the modern trends with the following tips
Photo credit: BusinessInsider
Every emerging technology brings challenges and opportunities for the business with it. Every technology opens a gate of opportunities with it. Our job is to keep ourselves updated. The following tips will help you to pace-up with modern trends.
- Be open to accept the changes as soon as possible.
- Have a creative thinking
- Proactiveness at the forefront.
- Stay updated with emerging technologies.
- A regular assessment of technical aspects
- Stay hungry to grab new technologies in the company
- Seminars, conferences, and launching programs should be attended.
Wrapping Up !
Technology advancement brings ample opportunities for businesses with challenges. The trends of full-stack web development are driven by software development trends that change continuously. Hiring a full-stack web developer not only cuts the cost but also accords you with a comprehensive, progressive, and adaptive web development. 2020 brings a lot of expectations for the web development companies and full-stack web developers.
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